SOS point
We participated in the development of SOS Points
Long-term cooperation with the Q-EL Pro company is bearing fruit: we helped develop the chassis for the new SOS Point product, which the partner company equips with above-standard rescue equipment. The mast has a built-in first aid kit and AED in its lower part, which can be accessed by contacting the city police via the panic button. A municipal police officer can open the equipment door remotely. The mast has a built-in LED light in the boom, a 360° non-stop camera monitoring events within a radius of 3 meters, a recording device and a view camera for identity verification. The communication device has a range of up to 5 meters, the remote control system is connected to a backup power source to ensure operation even in the event of a power failure. The first two masts are installed at the wonderful natural swimming pool Bílá Voda near Chodov, just outside Karlovy Vary. One of them is on the bike path by the access road from the parking lot, the other is located by the beach with refreshments. Both are connected to the local city police in Chodov.
Where to find us
Kooperativa vod družstvo
+420 327 551 440
+420 327 551 464
Sázavská 504
285 04 Uhlířské Janovice
IČ: 00028525, DIČ: CZ00028525
č. účtu CZK: 416-161/0100
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Czech republic